Local Color, Autumnal Equinox Janani Venkatesan Local Color, Autumnal Equinox Janani Venkatesan


From atomic structures to the trillions of cells that compose each one of us, every human being shares a divine connection to the universe. Every element found within the human body originated in stardust.The celestial bodies of our world influence our lives, our interactions with nature, our dispositions.

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Theme Explanation: Devotion
Volume 4, Autumnal Equinox Janani Venkatesan Volume 4, Autumnal Equinox Janani Venkatesan

Theme Explanation: Devotion

Our history is a tapestry woven together in a pattern upheld by the human experiences that shape the way we see the world today. Each of us is a thread in that tapestry, an infinitely small, yet equally important part of an ever expanding whole. Understanding our history involves more than just an intellectual study, but an empathetic one - a curious, cultural look into the past. To understand our history is to understand the past, present & future. However, times shift, as we grow further away in years from those historic moments, do we render them irrelevant to the normal course of our lives?

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