Theme Explanation: Choice
Dear Reader,
You are accepted. You are loved. You are worthy of love.
Just wondering, did a thought arise when you read those words? Was it, “yes that is true” or more along of the lines of “great, another ‘love yourself’ sentiment” or “no, that is not true, and here is why”? Has the thought process that you are currently operating in allowed you to feel fulfilled? Of course, our “whys” and sense of fulfillment can fluctuate, however, there can be a glaringly loud thought that we know pulls us down.
You have a choice in this instance to modify your thoughts and feelings. The pathway to peace is perhaps only as complicated as we believe it is. The hoops we perceive we have to jump are constructs of our mind; we can tell ourselves that we are farther from our goal based on how we view success and our own fortitude. The pathway to [insert desire here] is confirming its existence here and now. The journey is honestly, what we think of it.
To take steps into believing this mechanism is by simply asking a question. Questions like, "what is this teaching me?", "what is this trying to show me?", "what can I learn from this?" can open up communication to yourself, thereby your truth. It really just all comes down to a choice because getting "I don't know" to any of the above questions is more favorable than not asking at all.
The ability to choose is one of the greatest gifts of all and we can show gratitude to this privilege by exercising our gifts. At the end of the day, how we think and feel about our circumstances, past, future, self can be changed. If there is something that is difficult to come to terms with, simply ask yourself for guidance – ask your mind to show a path.
By Janani
“The pathway to [insert desire here] is confirming its existence here and now. ”