JAN 2021 - JULY 2021
Volume 2: resilience
2021 was a tough year. I lost myself in the process of loving others and finally came to terms with some of my flaws and imperfections. I stopped fighting myself and going against the current; I learned what it means to flow - what it means to create your own reality. 2021 was about falling, getting back up, and recognizing for myself that the healing journey is anything but linear.
mental health stories to & from south asians
santana dharma to & from south asians
spirituality to & from south asians
astrology to & from south asians
education to & from south asians
community to & from south asians
films to & from south asians
mental health stories to & from south asians ∙ santana dharma to & from south asians ∙ spirituality to & from south asians ∙ astrology to & from south asians ∙ education to & from south asians ∙ community to & from south asians ∙ films to & from south asians ∙
Volume 2 | Issue 1
January 2021
The January Issue of The Indian Standard is all about dissonance and samsara. This issue is to show how our minds can divert us from the greater truth. The cycle of life and death proves that life while linear on earth, is an evolution of our karma and what we do will have positive and negative repercussions. Having an enjoyable life is easy. It just takes one notion: Love the process and the process will love you back. It features Guhan Krishnan, Vijay Kabaria, Bhavini Patel, and many more.
Volume 2 | Issue 2
February 2021
The February Issue of The Indian Standard surrounds the concept of being broken. We go through so much in life and sometimes we view ourselves as damaged individuals I wanted to emphasize that we all stumble and fall. We have moments where we all make mistakes and feel there is no way we can come back from them. There are moments in time when we feel like nothing is going right and that we are flawed. This is a reminder that you are anything but broken, damaged, or unappreciated. You are resilient and motivated and you have the capability to be better if you so choose. It features Ashna Gray, Harsh Srinivasan, Srihari Sritharan, and the nonprofit organization H20 Happiness 2 Others.
Volume 2 | Issue 3
March 2021
The March Issue of The Indian Standard surrounds the concept of Energy. Featuring SilentGuru, Nivita Sriram, Sooraj Saxena, Shivani P, Naiem Reza, and CAREspaces, we explore healing and how energy is transferred from person to person. I assert that we are all connected. The way we interact with each other is vital and telling - no matter how you perceive the world, one fact remains that we contain and give off energy. When we interact with others, in subliminal messages we can convey our true feelings and that identification is just as important as knowing someone's name. The importance of healing yourself first is indescribable since we have the ability to affect everything and everyone, just by being ourselves.
Volume 2 | Issue 4
April 2021
The April Issue of The Indian Standard surrounds the concept of Reunion. The separation between our inner self and outer is so distant and as we get older, we see how our values and morals shift. To find ourselves again is priceless. Through the loss and gain of each other and ourselves, we rejoice. We can finally feel at home in the comforts of care and compassion - a notion that our love internally is greater than those who predicted.
Volume 2 | Issue 5
mAY 2021
The May Issue of The Indian Standard conceptualizes the color yellow. One of the brightest colors in the spectrum. It's illuminating, charismatic, and optimistic, however yellow also signifies egoism, betrayal, and cowardice. I found it interesting that one color can denote so many meanings and its interpretation is completely dependent on that individual’s prior experiences. Safe to say that if a color can do so much, so can any word, any phrase. This issue promotes the idea of being cautious of what triggers you and what could trigger others, featuring Sunaina Rangnekar, Sweta Sridhar, Atit Amin, and Neha Sharma.
Volume 2 | Issue 6
june 2021
The June Issue of The Indian Standard surrounds the importance of pausing. Our generation focuses primarily on how much we grow quantifiably, creating mental blocks, brain fog and the inevitable burnout. The biggest and most helpful things we can do for ourselves are mentally taking a break and consciously breathing throughout the day. This issue features Kripa Shah and Melaura Rice as they recount their own stories of their mental health journey.
Volume 2 | Issue 7
JULY 2021
The July Issue of The Indian Standard discusses self-concept, the energy of starting a project, and how we manage our self-worth. An initiation is a form of energy & to start is to initiate a new line of thinking. With every moment we spend dreaming of a life that empowers our being, we create a pathway for inspired action. In this issue, we meet Haarith and Kiran Rajan as they describe their human experience when it comes to their passions.